CodeSleeve / asset-pipeline

This Laravel 4 package provides a very simple and easy to use asset pipeline. It was heavily inspired by the Rails asset pipeline. We make use of the wonderful Assetic package to help with pre-compliation!
MIT License
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Require_tree unusable, @import won't cache bust #228

Open koichirose opened 9 years ago

koichirose commented 9 years ago

Setup: my environment is currently 'local'.

Requiring tree from application.css is useless since LESS variables are scoped and won't be available in other included LESS files.

So I resorted to an application.css manifest that only requires 'app'.

app.less is the following: @import "common/variables" @import "common/common" @import "home" @import "users" etc.

This allows me to have all my LESS variables available everywhere.

Editing "home.less" won't force refresh on the generated 'application.css'. Removing the @import directive, refreshing the browser, then readding it solves my problem.

Is this a bug? I couldn't find any other way to have both LESS variables and a working cache busting system. What's the best practice here?