CodeSlinger69 / ClAsHbOt

Clash of Clans Farm Bot
87 stars 48 forks source link

December 10, 2015 Client Update Thread #29

Closed CodeSlinger69 closed 8 years ago

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago

Yup, this looks like a big update. TH11 and a bigger map.

You should all expect serious downtime on the bot, as this is likely going to take me a while to accommodate these changes into the code. I'll keep this thread updated as I make progress.

dazayas commented 8 years ago

One of the strategies I and others have been having success with (at TH10) is sniping exposed THs for the stored resources. If the storages are half-or-more full, then the TH is likely to be full of loot as well, and a decent amount of resorces can potentially be gained at a cost of just a few archers. This works especially well if you kill the Clash app after dropping the troops and reload to minimize downtime. In Bronze I / Silver III, you can find one of these bases every minute or two, and the loot potential is massive. This is also potentially easily scriptable now that auto snipe is working. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.

chrishubert commented 8 years ago

@dazayas sounds like a nice idea - maybe killing the app is an overkill. But I believe it's a good way to get loot fast. On the long run though, it won't play nice as people with townhall outside (inactive player) will run out quickly of gathered loot - then it will be back to normal raid.

peter-coc commented 8 years ago

@CodeSlinger69 What I mean is he ability to check both auto snipe and auto raid. My max th9 is doing that with a different bot and pulling in about 500k elixr/gold and 3k de per hour using barch. I'm not having much luck with any combo with my other th9 with this bot.

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago

I like your new strategy ideas, guys, and I'd like to consider this further, once I get all the changes stabilized from this Dec 10 update. If you are interested in pursuing this, can I ask you to open a new issue thread? I just fear it will get lost in this issue thread, as it is focused on changes/bugs related to all the code changes needed for the new TH11 update.

cedric35133 commented 8 years ago

bug TH9 -->TH8 bug2

Stormtrail commented 8 years ago

Code I just went thru my coc config file and noticed that the confidence parameters were deleted from the current stock config file. I haven't been paying attention to recent commits but could this be causing Cedric's issues?

On Dec 17, 2015, at 5:44 AM, cedric35133 wrote:

bug TH9 -->TH8

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Stormtrail commented 8 years ago

Also, I'm not sure if it's just my setup, but using control click instead of mouse click appears to have a few more stuck scenarios where it appears to trigger an unexpected game or menu option. Hard to diagnose the issue but seems that in queuing for troops it's instead finding the shop menu.

On Dec 17, 2015, at 5:44 AM, cedric35133 wrote:

bug TH9 -->TH8

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago

Cedric - obscured TH - not a bug. I think I need to make a note that when the bot first starts up, you should pay attention whether it detects your town hall level correctly or not. Maybe even a popup confirmation. Will think about it.

Storm - yes , I did remove those confidence parameters. I tweak those for best results, and they are really not something that everyone should have access to. They are still available for editing in the settings.au3 file of course, but in retrospect, putting them in the .ini file didn't make much sense. Also, no, that is not affecting cedric's problem...that is purely and obscured TH issue.

cedric35133 commented 8 years ago

Before the update of 10 December bot worked very well, he only attacked the TH8

cedric35133 commented 8 years ago

The level of my TH is always good to start it while searching for attacks that do not distinguish between TH

dfjvisin commented 8 years ago

Great bot, it would be nicer if there is a timer to overcome the PBT problem... Thanks

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago

dfjvisin: do you have suggestions? PBT shouldn't affect the bot - the bot just keeps playing and playing and playing....

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago

Please see the update if you have not already read it:

I found time to capture the snow-covered images. All clear to take the optional update now.

cedric35133 commented 8 years ago

Very good job works perfectly thank you , the option of waiting for the hero would be perfect :-)

codati commented 8 years ago

@cedric35133 is my brother, I add functionality wait heroes

cedric35133 commented 8 years ago

Thanks you my brother.

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago


Defense Farm: I am really struggling to make the bot effective at TH11, especially given that dead bases have been removed from the queue, and that the new shield system prevents players from accumulating loot in collectors under shield. This whole farm bot was created with the assumption that collector raids were possible, and at least right now, they are dead for TH11.

So, I am assuming that at some point SC will add a defense bonus, given the very poor loot situation, the 29% problem, and other issues. I'm also assuming that it will be exploitable for farming. When ticked, this "Thing to do" will do the following:

  1. Dump cups to a level below what is specified in the "Dump Cups" field (I am currently using 850)
  2. Go offline for the period of time specified in the .ini file (defaults to 20 minutes)
  3. Start the game back up, and go back to #1.

Donate troops and collect loot can be used at the same time as defense farm, if needed.

The idea is to collect defense bonuses if they are ever added, but in the meantime, I am using it to get the 3rd star on the "Unbreakable" achievement :) :) People are dumping cups so fast in silver league, that I get 100-150 defenses per night, easy.

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago

I have also begun experimenting with BlueStacks version I needed it for another game, so I thought I might as well see if my fonts/images/etc still work in this version. Looks good so far, so feel free to experiment if you so desire.

I will not be moving to BlueStacks 2, however. That new release is a mess with the tabbed interface and so on. Quite the disaster.

rumbla commented 8 years ago

You can avoid their launcher completely, with Found an old thread on autoit forum describing this: You could also integrate the bot "inside" that window :dart:

Using "HD-Frontend.exe Android" settings from the registry will be used. Launching the default launcher, will change those registry settings to default.
CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago

You are always coming up with answers to my questions, rumbla! I'll look into this a little bit then....integrating the AutoIt code into a single window would be nice, and might allow for other interesting things, like multiple instances, or minimized windows.

rumbla commented 8 years ago

Not sure about "minimized window", but I had an hard time running multiple BlueStacks instances.

You could create a completely new guest hive in the registry with another name, so your new instance will have its settings, but then you would need to run a double BstHdAndroidSvc "service". That I wasn't able to do...

One more "suggestion", if you want to avoid BlueStacks-calling_home (at least most of it). First of all, modify these reg keys. There may be other, but could not find any other...

reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BlueStacks\Agent\AppSync /f /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BlueStacks\Agent\Cloud /f /v Host /t REG_SZ /d
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BlueStacks\Agent\Cloud /f /v Host2 /t REG_SZ /d
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BlueStacks\Agent\Cloud /f /v SyncIntervalSecs /t REG_DWORD /d 172800
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BlueStacks\Updater /f /v ManifestURL /t REG_SZ /d ""

After this, you can go inside "installdir", as admin, and rename the following: HD-UpdaterService.exe ---> HD-UpdaterService.exe.norun HD-UpdateHelper.exe ---> HD-UpdateHelper.exe.norun There might still be some "bloatware" installed in your android VM tho. Ideally you should remove quite a few apks there...that's for another episode, tho...

Also, you can run BlueStacks without the "LogCollector" service active: HD-LogRotatorService.exe --> HD-LogRotatorService.exe.norun HD-LogRotator.exe --> HD-LogRotator.exe.norun HD-LogCollector.exe --> HD-LogCollector.exe.norun

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago


Bases with L12 storages are starting to be seen - collected some images, but more to come. Adjusted "Ignore Storages" loot calculation to account for L12 storages and TH11.

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago

Getting close to closing this thread and making an official release. I still need a couple of L12 storage images, and need to finalize testing of Warden integration, but other than that it is done.

Other good news: I am finally botting on my TH11 base. I've added the settings to the wiki here:

Sadly, it required "Dump cups > 850". Pathetic, but that is how the game is intended to be played I guess. Farming in silver. Oy vey.

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago


Final tweaking/tuning phase in progress. In this commit:

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago


Adds option to Snipe Exposed THs when raiding. I added this because while botting at 850 cups at TH11, I see a lot of exposed THs at this level. Sniping those is an easy 20% of the available loot.

I also renamed the "Auto Snipe" "Thing to do" as "Auto Push" to more accurately reflect its purpose, and to avoid confusion with this new option.

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago

I published an official release today. I am running very stable right now, and even at TH11, I am farming plenty of loot to keep my builders busy. This is probably because SC fixed a match making bug and dead bases are showing up again. This bot really needs dead bases to work properly, so I am glad they are back.

There are a few minor images remaining to capture, but they are really insignificant unless you are farming at TH11, and even then the impact is very minor for now. I'll get these captured in the coming weeks.

I'll close this thread in a few days. Whew! What a journey it was to adapt to this TH11 update. I hope you all enjoy the bot and find it useful.

rumbla commented 8 years ago

Little update about BlueStacks2

With BS the "old" window decorations are back. Even using BS it is possible to have these decos back. Change OEM registry key to "BlueStacks" and tweak BootParameters changing OEM there too. This should be enough to have the "BlueStacks App Player" decorations back. Why I tell you this? Simple, that might be useful if/when you wanna change the bot's UI (we talked about integrating BS and the bot in the same "window", remember?)

Also, might not the that interesting, but BootParameters' OEMFEATURE can show the SoftControlBar back. I guess that parameter is a bitmask. Changing the less-significant bit from 1 to 0 will make the SoftControlBar appears. Uncover all these "Features" functionality may be a good thing, but I wasn't able to do that, yet.

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago

Good info once again, rumbla, thanks. It does sound like BS2 with all of its game-changers, is too much of a hassle right now, for me at least. Once they stabilize it, then maybe I will look into it a bit more, but for now I'll just record this info for future purposes.

CodeSlinger69 commented 8 years ago

Closing thread.