CodeSmile-0000011110110111 / UnityResolutionDialog

Replacement for Unity's built-in resolution dialog (aka Screen Selector) that was removed in Unity 2019.3. Works both up front (simply make it the first scene) and as a popup dialog (default key: ESC). Intended for development / testing purposes but can also be used in production.
MIT License
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Toggling resolution dialogue off leaves its elements in navigation flow #5

Open rhys-vdw opened 3 years ago

rhys-vdw commented 3 years ago

When resolution dialogue is in the scene, but hidden, its elements are still accessible from other menus that have navigation set to automatic.


To fix this problem the entire object needs to be disabled, not just the canvas. Probably you'll want to hoist the enable/disable code onto a root object that has the remaining hierarchy as its single child which is toggled on and off.