CodeSmile-0000011110110111 / UnityResolutionDialog

Replacement for Unity's built-in resolution dialog (aka Screen Selector) that was removed in Unity 2019.3. Works both up front (simply make it the first scene) and as a popup dialog (default key: ESC). Intended for development / testing purposes but can also be used in production.
MIT License
111 stars 20 forks source link

Failure to install via package via readme instructions (bad branch name?) #8

Open idbrii opened 3 years ago

idbrii commented 3 years ago

Added to manifest.json like so:

    "com.sitterheim.unityresolutiondialog": "",

Unity gives an error:

An error occurred while resolving packages:

Project has invalid dependencies: com.sitterheim.unityresolutiondialog: [] does not point to a valid package repository. No package manifest was found. Verify the repository URL and make sure the package is located in the root folder of the repository.

A re-import of the project may be required to fix the issue or a manual modification of C:/code/project/Packages/manifest.json file.

Reimport All results in the same error.


Track master instead of the stable branch:

    "com.sitterheim.unityresolutiondialog": "",

Since the branches are currently identical, I assume the issue is the / in the branch name. Branches definitely work since dbrizov/NaughtyAttributes uses a upm branch and I use this in unity-vimeditor with a latest-release branch.

Unity 2019.4.16 on Win10 x64.