When given an XML file, we should be able to parse it into a dictionary for easy access by the program.
Should also be able to check the XML file to make sure all required information is there.
XML Parser
Odds are, ElementTree is the best bet, being built into python and whatnot. However, we might need to address potential XML Vulnerabilities that might appear.
Another cool thing about ElementTree is it does have a C implementation xml.etree.cElementTree that might be helpful when we roll out the distributed computing platform.
If we want to get fancy though, LXML seems to be a much better XML parser. LXML is a wrapper around some C libraries so again, when we roll out the distributed computing platform, and if we need to switch the configuration loader to a C/C++ program, things might go smoother. LXML also has XLST support, which we have discussed possibly bringing into the program in the future. I do not believe that ElementTree does.
Referencing #103 for design.
When given an XML file, we should be able to parse it into a dictionary for easy access by the program. Should also be able to check the XML file to make sure all required information is there.
XML Parser
Odds are, ElementTree is the best bet, being built into python and whatnot. However, we might need to address potential XML Vulnerabilities that might appear.
Another cool thing about ElementTree is it does have a C implementation
that might be helpful when we roll out the distributed computing platform.LXML
If we want to get fancy though, LXML seems to be a much better XML parser. LXML is a wrapper around some C libraries so again, when we roll out the distributed computing platform, and if we need to switch the configuration loader to a C/C++ program, things might go smoother. LXML also has XLST support, which we have discussed possibly bringing into the program in the future. I do not believe that ElementTree does.