CodeWithHarry / NewsMonkey-React

News App created using React and NewsAPI
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Fixed blank image issue #7

Open JAI-2002 opened 2 years ago

JAI-2002 commented 2 years ago

Added a fix where a custom image loads if there is no response for the image from the API (helps maintain continuity in the app rather than a blank space in the image section).

JAI-2002 commented 2 years ago

QUESTION: What should I do if I contribute to a repository that is not participating in Hacktoberfest?


You can politely request the maintainer of the project you contributed to, to tag your contribution with the label hacktoberfest-accepted . Or, add the 'hacktoberfest' topic to the repository to opt the project into Hacktoberfest.

Any pull request with the hacktoberfest-accepted label, submitted to any public GitHub/GitLab repository, with or without the hacktoberfest topic, will be considered valid for Hacktoberfest.

(source: Hacktoberfest FAQ)

... I just made a valid pull request on your repo in the "News" component. Could you please check it and label the PR a hacktoberfest-accepted OR add 'hacktoberfest' topic to the repository?

Hoping for a positive reply.