CodeXTF2 / Burp2Malleable

Quick python utility I wrote to turn HTTP requests from burp suite into Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 profiles
MIT License
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Python Errors #5

Closed platinumvoid closed 1 year ago

platinumvoid commented 1 year ago

There seem to be issues in the following lines of code in lines 114-116:

       for x in resheaders.keys():
            printmsg(f"{x}: {reqheaders[x]}")
        headername = input("Header name: ")
        if headername in resheaderlist:

The reqheaders generates an error KeyError: 'Pragma' The resheaderlist variable generates an error NameError: name 'resheaderlist' is not defined. Did you mean: 'reqheaderlist'?

To replicate the above select header placement for all parameters. All headers selected were new headers!

CodeXTF2 commented 1 year ago

will take a look at this in a few days when my exams are over lol

CodeXTF2 commented 1 year ago

fixed in 4da348eb80d9526ddb6a400446bff4a1819849a1. Feel free to test and reopen if issue is still present.