Currently this is a complete fork of create-react-app. I don't have the time / mood to cherry pick commits from upstream anymore, and also create-react-app (CRA) has fixed a lot of the (minor) issues I had.
I updated the README with all changes I made compared to CRA, which is still a lot. However it is probably possible to do this another way (not forking everything).
One option is React App Rewired, which makes it easy to customize create-react-app by adding a config file in your project. I don't want to repeat this file in every project though, so I'd need to research how to implement this in create-react-cy-app.
Another option is to start over from scratch, but this time only fork the react-scripts + babel preset part. A lot of the changes required in react-scripts can be done via environment variables now, so if we can separate these env variables we have to make minimal changes to the code so pulling from upstream would succeed most of the time.
Currently this is a complete fork of create-react-app. I don't have the time / mood to cherry pick commits from upstream anymore, and also create-react-app (CRA) has fixed a lot of the (minor) issues I had.
I updated the README with all changes I made compared to CRA, which is still a lot. However it is probably possible to do this another way (not forking everything).
One option is React App Rewired, which makes it easy to customize create-react-app by adding a config file in your project. I don't want to repeat this file in every project though, so I'd need to research how to implement this in create-react-cy-app.
Another option is to start over from scratch, but this time only fork the react-scripts + babel preset part. A lot of the changes required in react-scripts can be done via environment variables now, so if we can separate these env variables we have to make minimal changes to the code so pulling from upstream would succeed most of the time.