min 2 people for the morning
min 2 people for the afternoon
A healthy number for ITP is therefore 8 rotating volunteers.
In a pinch, I can run a Zoom school by myself and so could any experienced vol, but it's not fun. New joiners should come to Zoom school to get oriented. Afternoons can be used to learn code review and teacher trainings.
Recruit volunteers to support Global Zoom School every Saturday 10-5
📍 Zoom, see Global Calendar 📆 Saturdays:
Help I'm lost
The agenda is on the curriculum! The meeting is on the calendar! Sign up on the planner when it's fixed https://classplanner.codeyourfuture.io/
How many
min 2 people for the morning min 2 people for the afternoon
A healthy number for ITP is therefore 8 rotating volunteers.
In a pinch, I can run a Zoom school by myself and so could any experienced vol, but it's not fun. New joiners should come to Zoom school to get oriented. Afternoons can be used to learn code review and teacher trainings.