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Intro to NEARPrimer - the dualingo for learning about blockchain #18

Closed humanman closed 1 year ago

humanman commented 1 year ago

About You

Your Name:

Ben Sayeg

Twitter handle (optional): @benthehumanman1

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A quick bio:

Ben Sayeg has been working in education, outreach, and support within NEAR Foundation since 2021. Currently, he is leading the efforts in content strategy helping founders on their journeys to launch successful Web3 businesses in the NEAR ecosystem. He is passionate about breaking down complex concepts without breaking any brains.

Your Talk

Title: Intro to NEARPrimer the dualingo for learning blockchain development

What your talk is about: I want to promote a fantastic learning app called It provides a fun, casual way to wrap your head around blockchain development. I think it’s perfect for jr developers interested in blockchain that may find it too daunting to pursue. I’d like to go over the basics of the app, and walk through one of the “quests” where you learn how smart contracts work.

How long will your talk be?


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Meetup event Copy - Optional

Event Title:

Finally a fun way to learn about blockchain development without melting your brain

Event Desciption:

Meet NEARPrimer! A fun, casual way to learn about blockchain development and how to build on NEAR Protocol

Danamitecoder commented 1 year ago

This talk has been delivered.