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Natural Language Processing and Sentiment analysis using Machine Learning - Applications - Open AI - Chat GPT #19

Closed Abhimba1992 closed 1 year ago

Abhimba1992 commented 1 year ago

Talk Request

Topic(s): Natural Language Processing and Sentiment analysis using Machine Learning - Applications - Open AI - Chat GPT Additional Notes: Written a year long Research, I present the abstract of my technical paper Abstract: This project presents a Sentiment Analysis System which uses Enhanced Naïve Bayes Classifier for performing Sentiment Analysis on Book reviews. This system is capable of reading reviews on books, understanding the sentiment of each review and rate the book accordingly. The review is read from the user input. The system then interprets the part of speech and then polarity of the review. The rating system acts in accordance to the outputs that it receives. It is also capable of improving the classifier by adding features for handling Laplacian Smoothing, N grams, Negation Handling, Feature Selection and Mutual Information, hence formulated as the Enhanced Naïve Bayes Classifier. This gives us a more efficient Classifier than the original Naïve Bayes Classifier to perform Sentiment Analysis.

What would the ideal length be?

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Danamitecoder commented 1 year ago

Hi Abhimba, I will reach out to you via. email to set up a time to talk! Thanks for your interest!

Danamitecoder commented 1 year ago

Tentative talk date: Sunday 4/30...possibly 4/16 Slide Deck Touch Base / Feedback: Monday, 4/9 - 8am MDT / 9am CT (decide the date)

Danamitecoder commented 1 year ago

4/12 - Reviewed slide deck. Present: 4/16 (3-4pm...4-5pm)

1) Intro Slide 2) Agenda slide 3) Learning outcomes 4) Questions to the audience 5) Q+A 6) Contact page (Linkedin)