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[Talk]: Assessing Frontend Landscape by Charlie Greenman #35

Open CharlieGreenman opened 9 months ago

CharlieGreenman commented 9 months ago

About You

I am a Software Architect who has consulted for multiple Fortune 500 companies spanning over 10+ years. I am also the Founder of Razroo, a Software Architect as an Application.

Your Name: Charlie Greenman

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Your Talk

Assessing the Frontend Landscape. Go through the popular frameworks such as Angular/Analog, React/Next, Svelte/SvelteKit, and Vue. Discuss popularity in the job market, the complexity of frameworks, and how much it costs to set up. Discuss some of the latest technologies entering the space such as Bun, Astro, current version experiments with WASM, and what that means.

Title: Exploring the Wild Frontend Frontier: Unveiling it All!

What your talk is about: Go through the popular frameworks such as Angular/Analog, React/Next, Svelte/SvelteKit, and Vue. Discuss popularity in the job market, the complexity of frameworks, and how much it costs to set up. Discuss some of the latest technologies entering the space such as Bun, Astro, current version experiments with WASM, and what that means. Will be very data-heavy, as well as theorizing where things are headed.

How long will your talk be?

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Danamitecoder commented 9 months ago

Emailed 9/27

CharlieGreenman commented 9 months ago

@Danamitecoder if can send again i did not receive yet

Danamitecoder commented 9 months ago

Haha yes, I commented before sending the email - it's sent now. Let me know if you did not receive it :)

CharlieGreenman commented 9 months ago

i got it, awesome