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Submitting for Jose Garcia - Why is the Job Search so hard? #41

Closed Danamitecoder closed 7 months ago

Danamitecoder commented 8 months ago

Talk Summary

Title: Why is the Job Search so hard?


Contact:, LinkedIn messages.

How you came to submit a talk I attended my first Code & Coffee in December. I attended Giuseppe’s presentation which was really cool and based on some comments, he said I should apply. Never one to turn down a challenge (provided it’s plausible), I harassed one of the organizers who has been so gracious to get this going

What the talk is about:

Outline for the talk which has 5 parts, the 4 main innovations that changed job search as we know it and practical suggestions:

Why is the job search process so broken

Catastrophe of Internet (Newspapers->Online, local->Global)

Catastrophe of Credentials Inflation (too many Bachelors/Masters and similar looking applications)

Catastrophe of Social Media (Due to surge of connections, overall less familiar with each other, making it harder to choose)

Catastrophe of AI (Job search will be better, but also more challenging)

What can be done about it -Recognize resumes aren't reflective of who you are -Get creative in your approach -Participate in the most effective networking opportunities -Recognize that who someone is today is not who they will be in the future -Identify where people would “kill” to have you (one door closes, another will open, usually not the same industry)

Estimated Duration Based on 2 minutes a slide rule, 50 minutes Based on actual dry run during talk: Possible it will be 60+ minutes (though I plan to keep it under an hour by skipping content)

Note: This talk will be interactive with some questions to encourage attendees to talk, exercises to help them really understand key points and being open to Q&A anytime during the talk. No matter how interesting the topic or charismatic a presenter, attendees need to be involved to truly appreciate and understand the material

For meetup:

Do you enjoy the modern day job search? If you answered no or some form of no, this talk may be of interest to you.

In this talk, we will discuss what innovations led to the current situation and the consequences of those innovations. You will understand why the job search today is more painful and tedious than ever before. You might also get some helpful ideas to make the job search not as difficult or taxing based on successful stories in job search and mass opportunities in the works.

About the presenter: Jose Garcia is someone who tried to study programming, declared himself no talent in it (at the time he had no idea the methodology he was taught to learn programming was the actual problem) and moved on to hardware (embedded systems). Some internships and research projects made him realize he wasn’t going to be long term successful in that field, so upon realizing what he was “good” at, he pivoted by doing a combined Bachelors and Masters. Unfortunately, this backfired tremendously as doing so led him to pick the absolute worst year to graduate. But because of that experience, he gained insights and knew what to be aware of in hopes your experience to find a job will be less painful and tedious than his own journey.

Note: This talk was made possible courtesy of the inspiration and encouragement of Giuseppe Badagliacca. Version 1 (Recruitment focused)

Key Points HR doesn’t speak the language of tech and software and most software doesn’t really get HR Job Descriptions aren’t always up to date (some are even obsolete, ie: GUI for UI/UX) The keyword search and the application black hole Even if they want to hire, budget dictates everything When pitching yourself, what is the added value (outcomes) you bring when being hired (do you save money, save time, generate money). HR may not speak tech, but it can speak business (and if it can’t, run away unless you love chaos and/or toxic messes)

Version 2 (Why HR is so difficult to fix) - recommended despite being more abstract/philosophical

Key points History of HR: Personnel Administration->HR->Human Capital->HR Strategic Partner->Behavioral Science? What is HR - an umbrella term with no uniform definition includes Strategy (HR Business Partner) HR has different goals based on the organization-People Operations (Engineering), Human Capital Management (Finance), Talent Management (Fortune 1000 and/or organizations that focus on internal promotions/career tracks) People in HR hate/fear math and science, yet math and science are driving decisions Just like people, HR operations aren’t always the same (a lot of things are grandfathered unless someone championed a change in process) Using talent tech labs eco system diagram (everyone who wants to fix HR, very few succeed and usually with one major success story) We need developers as HR professionals with advent of Data Science/AI and emerging tech being acquired/introduced to large scale enterprises (ie: ASAPP). HR (and policy makers) today needs tech/business and HR expertise When HR is doing a good job, you may not realize it or take it for granted. But when HR is a nightmare, everyone complains about it

Danamitecoder commented 8 months ago

Met 1/3 3pm ET for initial deck review

Danamitecoder commented 8 months ago

1/9 - final deck review, still needs revision. Jose will send finalized deck and then meetup event details will be posted.

Danamitecoder commented 8 months ago

Sent over final deck, making marketing materials, posting today