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Meet4SPEED with Code & Coffee #47

Open sergeychernyshev opened 4 months ago

sergeychernyshev commented 4 months ago

About You

Your Name: Sergey Chernyshev

Twitter or Linkedin handle (optional):

The best way to reach out to you: sergey-dot-chernyshev-at-gmail-dot-com

Your Talk

Title: Meet4SPEED Hands-on Session

What your talk is about: Meet4SPEED is an interactive session that we run at NY Web Performance Meetup on a monthly basis and can help people in the audience analyze and optimize their website to be faster.

Here's the one on our regular schedule for March 14:

Members can bring their laptops and follow along or just watch a speaker do live analysis and ask - it is always a very interactive session.

How long will your talk be?

Meetup event Copy - Optional

Event Title: Meet for SPEED - hands-on session

Event Description: Join up for an opportunity to work together on optimizing our sites.

This is a hands-on session, bring your laptop and follow along or just ask questions.

You can benefit even if you can't edit your site right now - we will be happy to share the knowledge. We'll all learn how to see what's slow and how to make it fast!

Here is what you can learn:

Have a site you'd like us to analyze? Add it here -

Speaker Bio: Sergey Chernyshev (, LinkedIn, @SergeyChe) is a web technologist with passion for web performance and open source. He organizes New York Web Performance Meetup Group, first local community of UX Speed and Web Performance geeks in New York and helps kick-start local groups around the world. Sergey is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies, specializing in Web Performance and sometimes speaks at local New York events and global conferences.

sergeychernyshev commented 2 months ago

Here's the 600_477514778

And here's a headshot: sergey_chernyshev_oreilly