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Organized Chaos: The evolution of HTML, CSS, JS, and the Web #48

Open BrianAutumn opened 3 months ago

BrianAutumn commented 3 months ago

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Brian Autumn


Your Talk

Organized Chaos: The evolution of HTML, CSS, JS, and the Web

I am going to go through the history of the web from its original proposal in 1991 to the modern reactive web. We will be talking about the balance between ordered standardization and chaotic innovation.

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Event Title:
Organized Chaos: The evolution of HTML, CSS, JS, and the Web

Event Description:
The World Wide Web is the single most impactful invention humanity has ever created. In 35 years it completely changed the way that we interact and live our lives. What is more amazing is the improbable and unpredictable path it took to come into existence. Join Brian Autumn, Software Concept Accelerator and Lead Organizer of Boston Code and Coffee, as he takes you on a journey on how the web was made.

Speaker Bio: Brian Autumn is a professional Software Concept Accelerator and Lead Organizer for Boston Code and Coffee. He is fascinated by the interaction of people and technology and is insatiably curious about the world around us.


Danamitecoder commented 3 months ago

Scheduled for 4/7