Codecademy / CCListView

CCListView is a highly customizable sequential view container.
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CCListView working with Core Data Using NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate. How it works? #1

Open btvwebmaster opened 9 years ago

btvwebmaster commented 9 years ago

I am interesting with your CCListView, and it is very good for me. But I can not working with Core Data. I mean that I want to work with Core Data using Restkit Framework and NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate.

I want to Read From Core Data to show In CCListview.

How can I do?


yoiang commented 9 years ago

Hey @btvwebmaster, thanks for the good question! Having CoreData as a data source for CCListView is smart, this Sunday I'll spend some time and help you out.

btvwebmaster commented 9 years ago

Hey Mr.Yoiang, Are you complete my request. Please show me. I would like to know it.. Thanks....

yoiang commented 9 years ago

Hey Theany! I apologize, work was very very busy, I had to work this weekend so I haven't had time yet.

In the meantime you can build a bridge (or add it to CCListView yourself and make a pull request, we always appreciate help!), a good explanation of how to do that can be found here: Documentation (click on More...).

In the delegate's

- (void)controller:(NSFetchedResultsController *)controller
       atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
      newIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)newIndexPath

selector you can switch on type and send them to the appropriate CCListView selectors.

Hope this gets you started!