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[Term Entry] Neural Networks ai stochastic gradient descent #4527

Open codecademy-docs opened 2 months ago

codecademy-docs commented 2 months ago

Reason/inspiration (optional)

"We would like a new term entry in the AI concept for neural-network: stochastic gradient descent. The entry should go in a new file under docs/content/ai/concepts/neural-networks/terms/stochastic-gradient-descent/

The entry should describe the term and how it is used. Also include:

Entry Type (select all that apply)

New Term for Existing Concept Entry

Code of Conduct

For Maintainers

TaylaCorney commented 1 month ago

@codecademy-docs I am interested in taking this issue on. I am busy completing the Git & Github course on CodeAcademy. I am a Data Scientist and have worked a lot with Neural Network.

mamtawardhani commented 1 month ago

Hey @TaylaCorney! You’re assigned 🎉 In addition to the documents linked in the description, please also look at the Contribution Guide. After creating a PR, the maintainer(s) (with the collaborator label) will add comments/suggestions to address any revisions before approval.

Is this your first contribution to Codecademy Docs? If so, we’re curious to know how you found out about contributing to Docs.

TaylaCorney commented 1 month ago

@mamtawardhani, awesome, thanks so much for assigning it to me. I found out about it through the Git and Github course through CodeAcademy. One of the requirements of completing the course is to attend to one of the issues on CodeAcademy Docs.

TaylaCorney commented 1 month ago

@mamtawardhani, Could you potentially assist with my issue of the fine-grained personal access token?

When I try and push the changes to my forked repository I get the error fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403

I have set up a fine grained token and I am using it, but think I might be doing something incorrectly.

I have tried to stack overflow this issue but getting nowhere.

dakshdeepHERE commented 1 month ago

@TaylaCorney U have successfully created a PR so is the issue fixed now? Also I can see u have deleted important files in ur current branch so can u fix that too? If u cant revert the changes then simply move the file u want to add outside of the docs folder and delete the current branch, create a new branch and then add the file again where u need it. If u need any more help let me know.

ishg-153 commented 1 week ago

@TaylaCorney It's been over a month. Are you working on creating a new PR? Please respond within 2 days.