Codeception / module-doctrine

Next gen Doctrine module for Codeception
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Entity Manager instance #8

Open tasselchof opened 2 years ago

tasselchof commented 2 years ago

Is it normal behavior, that in two methods of one Test appearing new copy of entity manager?

I added this line in haveFakeRepository right after getting entity manager: codecept_debug(sprintf('VVV%s', spl_object_id($em)));

And here is the result in one Cest:

LoaderJobsCest: Service points event
Signature: Orderadmin\DeliveryServices\LoaderJobsCest:servicePointsEvent
Test: codeception/Functional/LoaderJobsCest.php:servicePointsEvent
Scenario --
 I have fake repository "Orderadmin\DeliveryServices\Entity\Event\Job",{"find":"Closure"}
 I override service factory "Orderadmin\DeliveryServices\Service\LoaderService","Closure"
 I grab service from container "Orderadmin\DeliveryServices\Service\Events"
 I assert not equals "pending","handling","Job was started"

LoaderJobsCest: Service points job
Signature: Orderadmin\DeliveryServices\LoaderJobsCest:servicePointsJob
Test: codeception/Functional/LoaderJobsCest.php:servicePointsJob
Scenario --
 I have fake repository "Orderadmin\DeliveryServices\Entity\ServicePoint",{"findOneBy":"Closure"}

Application itself have this one - 7649 and in second method there is a new copy of entity manager.