Codecr-ft / TurnoGen

"TurnoGen: Una aplicación para generar horarios de turnos de manera rápida y eficiente. Este repositorio contiene el código fuente y la documentación necesaria para implementar la aplicación.
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 1 forks source link

Create #50

Closed Lolic3 closed 9 months ago

Lolic3 commented 9 months ago

He creado un pull request template para que sirva de guia siempre que hagamos un pull request.

Lolic3 commented 9 months ago

I'm actually not sure of anything anymore haha, I'm gonna change directory to docs and also I'm gonna introduce the PR into the Nivel-2 branch.

Lolic3 commented 9 months ago

Now I need to ask why... Why is that one the proper directory?

lugaresdev commented 9 months ago

Estoy de acuerdo @Lolic3 image

JJ commented 9 months ago

Now I need to ask why... Why is that one the proper directory?