Hi, I increased the number of layers for the file with the error, and found that the error is still reported. I want to ask two questions.
May I just clone this project and install the corresponding library, and then I can run run_clm_streaming_flax.py? Do I need to download more than 200g of training corpus into my local server? Or does it download automatically? Can you provide a more detailed pre-training guide?
The server I use has a GPU, so why do I run run_clm_streaming_flax.py directly and use the CPU by default?
Hi, I increased the number of layers for the file with the error, and found that the error is still reported. I want to ask two questions.
Originally posted by @BitcoinNLPer in https://github.com/CodedotAl/gpt-code-clippy/issues/74#issuecomment-955669643