CodeforAustralia / school-finder

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The department has IN students! Who knew! #346

Open Lilith-Palmer opened 7 years ago

Lilith-Palmer commented 7 years ago

There is a group of stakeholders that didn't get a look in during development. International students! The department has an entire directorate devoted to finding international students and settling them into NSW schools.

After having a chat with Milton, an admissions manager from this area, I found that they are already referring potential students to the school finder, and that there is only one or two crucial pieces of information needed to make it comprehensive for their area.

Most schools take temporary visas - they can basically only refuse of they are already full. But only 100 schools regularly take student visas, and maybe another 300 take them intermittently.

The question is - could we incorporate this information into our baby the school finder

techieshark commented 7 years ago

Awesome. Yeah, seems totally doable.

Questions that come to mind (immediately plus after googling 'NSW education international students':

Contact us to discuss your intended address in NSW so we can advise which high schools are available to you. You can also view high schools on this map (not a complete list) or use the school finder tool.

techieshark commented 7 years ago

Wow my screenshots always end up being enormous. It's much smaller on my screen.

Lilith-Palmer commented 7 years ago

No, the other tool did not do this. The DE international team currently use both the school finder, and their own search tool, to compile information for potential students.

We need to do some investigative work, but yes, they handle their own data and seemed interested in giving us access for this purpose. I don't know what system or format it is in though.

Excellent point made re listing links to tuition info etc. Happy to link back to the DE site, but they are linking to us, so it's a bit of a round robin sitch. Oh well.

techieshark commented 7 years ago

Yeah links from us to them and them to us (the 'round robin sitch') should be fine and actually logical since the link to them is of use to anyone who didn't come from there but might be interested (imagine you're a parent finding a school for you kid, but your niece or nephew lives abroad -- you might see that your school supports international students and then you'd want a link to learn more about that).

So I think TODO at this point is:

Can I take Peter and Peter off the assignees list for now to clarify who's working on this?

Lilith-Palmer commented 7 years ago

Sounds like a plan

techieshark commented 7 years ago

Update: Lilith did some good new research on this. Sounds like further discussions are needed and the challenges are complex (like, the Great Firewall of China blocks google maps, among other things). Will follow up on that soon.