Our data set for population is missing data for several localities in Province 5. The data are available in our "Federal Data" in https://github.com/Code4Nepal/data/. There are some individual localities for which data is currently missing. All localities for the district of Nawalparasi West, a.k.a., Parasi, is missing.
See this comment for a link to a Jupyter notebook created by @amitness . You may be able to adapt it for your work.
Add the data to the population.sql file. Please put the data in a logical place -- so that all data for the same district are in rows next to each other. That will make it easier to review in the future.
When you add them, you will add one row for female population and another row for male population. See the current file for examples.
You will need to update the totals for the districts for each of these localities to include these additional data.
You will need to update the totals for Province 5 to include these additional data.
You will need to update the totals for Nepal to include these additional data.
Here are the localities whose data are currently missing.
Our data set for population is missing data for several localities in Province 5. The data are available in our "Federal Data" in https://github.com/Code4Nepal/data/. There are some individual localities for which data is currently missing. All localities for the district of Nawalparasi West, a.k.a., Parasi, is missing.
See this comment for a link to a Jupyter notebook created by @amitness . You may be able to adapt it for your work.
Add the data to the population.sql file. Please put the data in a logical place -- so that all data for the same district are in rows next to each other. That will make it easier to review in the future.
Here are the localities whose data are currently missing.
For Nawalparasi West, see the "Parasi" files at https://github.com/Code4Nepal/data/tree/master/Federal%20Data/753%20Local%20Unit%20Population%20and%20HouseHold/PRADESH%205/Parasi