CodefoundryDE / LegacyWrapper

LegacyWrapper uses a x86 wrapper to call legacy dlls from a 64 bit process (or vice versa).
MIT License
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File not found System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception #27

Closed Giacomo-dev-78 closed 4 years ago

Giacomo-dev-78 commented 4 years ago


maybe it's a stupid question but i can't figure this out.

i'm getting file not found exception when i try to call WrapperProxyFactory. From your samples i see that you specify User32.dll that is located in C:\Windows\System32.

My dll is placed there too since it's a driver.

What am i doing wrong?

thank you

zalintyre commented 4 years ago

Hello @Giacomo-dev-78,

can you show me a sample of your code?

Kind regards

Giacomo-dev-78 commented 4 years ago

Hello @Giacomo-dev-78,

can you show me a sample of your code?

Kind regards

Hi zalintyre,

thank you for your reply.

let me put a foreword. Im working on a UWP project on 64bit (and windows 10 64bit) and i'm facing an issue with a driver that seems to be 32bit only. When i try to exploit dll methods with dllimport i get a BadImageFormatException. I already tried a lot of workarounds but no luck. that said, i'm attaching that chuck of code. I already found a wrapper for that driver, but works if you are on x86. So my aim is to follow along what the wrapper does, and use LegacyWrapper to get the result.

Unfortunately i get that file not found exception.


zalintyre commented 4 years ago

Hello @Giacomo-dev-78,

I'm glad your usecase is exactly what LegacyWrapper was built for! :)

You're importing the custom dll uuirtdrv.dll. Everything that is not located in C:\Windows\system32 has to be imported using an absolute path or a path relative to your application executable.

Kind regards

Giacomo-dev-78 commented 4 years ago

Hello @Giacomo-dev-78,

I'm glad your usecase is exactly what LegacyWrapper was built for! :)

You're importing the custom dll uuirtdrv.dll. Everything that is not located in C:\Windows\system32 has to be imported using an absolute path or a path relative to your application executable.

Kind regards

Hi zalintyre,

thanks. Can you please explain what you mean for imported in absolute/relative. Maybe i misunderstood but uuirtdrv.dll is in my C:\Windows\System32 , so i don't understand why it can't be imported.. I also thought it was an administrator matter, but even starting visual studio in admin mode, that dll is not found.

Thank you for your time. Kind Regards

zalintyre commented 4 years ago

Hello @Giacomo-dev-78,

it could be possible that only Windows system dll's can be found without the path. Can you try adding the C:\Windows\system32 path anyways?

zalintyre commented 4 years ago

As I suspected, Windows only loads known DLLs from the system32 folder. Please refer to this documentation:

Giacomo-dev-78 commented 4 years ago

As I suspected, Windows only loads known DLLs from the system32 folder. Please refer to this documentation:

Hello @zalintyre

yes, i saw that article. Anyway, with "usual" DllImport the driver dll is found. DllImport attribute seems not to be reserved to system dlls only. I'm starting to think there's something else. Trying with LegacyWrapper instead no dll is found, even those like User32 or other system libraries.

I'll follow your suggestion and try with some specific path.. fingers crossed. Keep you posted.

ah..if something else comes up in your mind about this issue, please let me know.

Thank you

Giacomo-dev-78 commented 4 years ago

hi @zalintyre ,

kein Glück, i always end in file not found. I copied the dll in bin I added the dll in project with content and always copy I specified [LegacyDllImport("C:\Windows\System32\uuirtdrv.dll")]

i'm running out of ideas..

Giacomo-dev-78 commented 4 years ago

Ok, some news.

I tried the same thing in another machine. Now it's all ok. Console app -> AnyCPU on 64bit OS

LegacyWrapper working like a charm. I can call driver functions as expected.

anyway, i found what is going wrong. I turned the console app project into a library. I created a new console app and referenced the library. When i call the same driver function, WrapperProxyFactory returns the famous exception for file not found (System.Component.Win32Exception).

Now i got figure out how to kill this new monster.

Thank you @zalintyre

Giacomo-dev-78 commented 4 years ago

update nr 2.. filenotfoundexception happens when nuget package is not installed on both projects. i.e. once i built the library and i reference it from a test console app, that test console app must have legacywrapper nuget package too...otherwise the filenotfoundexception is raised.

now struggling with other issues that are driving me mad...but that's another story.

bye @zalintyre

zalintyre commented 4 years ago

Glad that it works now! Feel free to open another issue if you have questions.