Codeinwp / Nivo-Slider-jQuery

Nivo Slider - The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider
MIT License
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Opera problem #72

Open Pooky opened 14 years ago

Pooky commented 14 years ago

Good day,

I use nivo slider and I have a problem. Does not appear in Opera. I have no idea what it is, the only thing I found out that opera is not take the width of the image.

He met someone else with this problem? Alternatively, does anyone know any solution?

The problem is at this site -

Thanks for any suggestions.

brentmclark commented 14 years ago

I don't have opera installed but I can say that FF and Chrome will not show the slider consistently without a height and width (not %) defined. Perhaps Opera is the same way?

Pooky commented 14 years ago

aw, its true i dont have defined height. Thank you very much :)

kjy112 commented 13 years ago

Hello Pooky, i ran into the same issue w/ Opera 10.6, but there's a overflow-x when you change the height to a fixed value( % or px ). There seems to be an overlay on the right side of the slider, altho its invisible, but you can clearly hover over it and notice the issue. So, adjusting the height actually doesn't solve the problem if you have a sidebar next to the slider. I also ran into similar issue in IE when i dynamically inject the images into the DOM via javascript...the way i made the images to show up is to force a fixed height, but similarly, the overflow-x also exists when i do that. Hopefully, we can get a clear answer for this issue.

(UPDATE): The problem has to do with the height and width of the slider and also sliceWidth. For some reason, IE / Opera isn't getting the right width/height.