if jQuery noConflict with "remove all" flag (set to true) is used, caroufredsel throws an error (invalid 'instanceof' operand jQuery) due de following mismatch:
inside helper function "is_jquery" the instanceof jQuery is checking against alias jQuery (global), so as per jQuery (global) is no longer available due noConfict(true), then a local jQuery alias must be declared (inside caroufredsel closure) or just use $ instead.
(function($) {
var jQuery = $; // <---- local jQuery alias scope
if ( $.fn.carouFredSel )
function is_jquery(a) {
return (a instanceof $); // <--- instead jQuery "glob alias"
if jQuery noConflict with "remove all" flag (set to true) is used, caroufredsel throws an error (invalid 'instanceof' operand jQuery) due de following mismatch: inside helper function "is_jquery" the instanceof jQuery is checking against alias jQuery (global), so as per jQuery (global) is no longer available due noConfict(true), then a local jQuery alias must be declared (inside caroufredsel closure) or just use $ instead.