[x] change default font family in customizer too, to match the one in front-end https://prnt.sc/hzgcy9
[x] Shopping cart widget in sidebar https://prnt.sc/hzhfns . The problem with the Search widget is from Hestia, and will be fixed there
[x] Page title is vertically centered on the blog, but there are other pages where is not, for example, the search results page https://prnt.sc/hzhjh2 , the archive https://prnt.sc/hzhjxm, 404 page. I'm not sure if this is how it's supposed to be
[x] I think it would be a good idea to escape all occurrences of $color_accent in orfeo_inline_style with esc_attr or esc_html
[x] not able to change the font family for headings - it's because of the font-family:inherit properties from elements like .hestia-features .hestia-title for example