Codelessly / ResponsiveFramework

Easily make Flutter apps responsive. Automatically adapt UI to different screen sizes. Responsiveness made simple. Demo:
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How to show drawer on mobile and tablet and not on desktop? #118

Closed NTMS2017 closed 1 year ago

NTMS2017 commented 1 year ago


I got headache last 2 days for working responsive_framework. I download all the example that shows in and couldn't make it to work correctly.

In examples the drawer is not working on web. iOS version didn't run. I still believe is better than others but I am having difficulty to grasp the drawer section.

Web version I need to show open drawer (or similar) menu but on mobile and tablet I need to show menu icon so user can press and open the side menu. How to I do that? Where I can get working examples for this?

Kind Regards

usama-karim commented 1 year ago

There are many properties available for ResponsiveWrapper. Use it to know when your specified breakpoint executed. For Example, ResponsiveWrapper.of(context).isMobile; // returns true or false