In the timeframe between March and April, our team has been working hard to accomplish our various tasks as well as keep up with our project. We are excited to say that we are nearing completion, and plan to complete our project within the next week. After that week, we will be extending the base of our project so we can replicate it as planned, however, the core shall be completed within the next couple days.
Team Hours
Literally spent hours researching how to do websockets, how to do pom, why pom was not working, how javax and jakarta worked, why both of them did not work together, what packages were required for spring boot for each, why javax.crypto did not have a jakarta version, tried to work around it 17 times and failed, researched how to put a volume outside docker, researched how to make a websocket and what a websocket is, literally made websockets from scratch and did ALL work with websockets and integrated other apis such as db with it
Made database api, worked with model, add more
Worked on creating maps, making the collisions and interactions for the doors and grass to link to the associated pages, working on judge0 implementation to do not only mcs on the game but also frqs, add more
Worked on fight endpoint, worked on strategies for multiplayer (analyzed movement and planned out lobby methodology, figured out logic of movement and how to do everything), touched up MULTIPLE places with html/css to make everything look nice
Worked on the fight endpoint, worked on the styling for the other pages, add more
Met up with Vivian, Aliya, and Grace to design house and computer screen UI/UX design and user interaction flow. Positioned computer button inside house. Placed 3 games on computer screen and linked them to functional password, phishing attack, and gravity game. Added back buttons so user can easily navigate through cyber house. Upgraded styling of password and phishing attack game to be more intuitive and pretty
Created new backend for terms in gravity game. Includes csp, csa, and cyber terms. Created endpoints where all data prints out and another where a random one is generated when the topic is called. Integrated with frontend where a random term shows up, but still need to integrate it into the game.
Worked collaboratively with Aliya and Emma's triangle to design and plan the inside of cyber house and the computer screen scenes --> implemented and styled them. Worked on getting the cyber games to fit our visual standard. Created individual popups that fit exactly to the background computer screen. Each cyber game appears to be on the screen which is done with linking scripts and style sheets within popup HTML. Also incorporated a Cyber games leaderboard into the backend and frontend which just needs to be styled like the original leaderboard --> cybergames now more connected to the overall premise of the project.
Worked with Vivian and Emma's triangle to design and implement cyber house and computer screen, with each cyber game screen appearing to be on the computer screen. Cyber game's fitting on screen, and specifically for password game since there were additional issues with appearing and game functionality. Work on getting buttons to have positioning not dependent on screen size. Work on cyber game leaderboard on backend and frontend to integrate cyber games more to whole project.
Triangle Issues
For more detailed information on our work, consult each triangle's issue
Future planning
In the timeframe between March and April, our team has been working hard to accomplish our various tasks as well as keep up with our project. We are excited to say that we are nearing completion, and plan to complete our project within the next week. After that week, we will be extending the base of our project so we can replicate it as planned, however, the core shall be completed within the next couple days.
Team Hours
Triangle Issues