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chat ai final planning #76

Open Jyustin opened 1 month ago

Jyustin commented 1 month ago

planned features:

for websockets: use rachit's documentation to develop issue websocket backend repo

What i know: websockets can establish real time connection for chat interface if we build websockets onto our ai chat feature then any requests could be passed through websocket so we could add our realtime features.

we will need to make some heavy rewrites to our codebase though if the websockets cannot be contained to one method.


if websockets work like the image above then the serverside should be able to tell user if the chat is still generating, and also stream its output in realtime instead of instant sending of message.


very unsure about this but hopefully rachit will pull through with the documentation.

for delete: use my preivous documentations of bringing back previous chat history to then delete the data in the stored tables. After that, for the deleting individual messages, I can focus on a single parameter such as the message, or time_stamp to only delete certain messages.


for live review: plan to present first basic websocket demo but on our backend, currently websocket is on an entirely different backend but moving this to actual backend would be better for faster development

then show new ai feature, which will now 'stream' the response to user calls, and will display a thinking bubble while the API call is incomplete.

for N@TM: let people use the feature if they get stuck on a problem.

Jyustin commented 1 month ago

Progress report 5/28/24

websocket implementation has been difficult so features related to ai using websockets may not happen, on the other hand the streaming of ai text (justin) and delete functionality has been achieved.

Moving forward, the option is to either figure out websockets to add a feature or improve existing features.

feasible tasks

on the table