Coders-After-Dark / Reskillable

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Major Crashes with Millenaire #186

Open DeliciousTea opened 4 years ago

DeliciousTea commented 4 years ago

So I'm not sure whether to post this here or over on Millenaire's issues page so I'm doing both. Reskillable and Millenaire have a massive conflict. It works as follows:

-Have only Reskillable(v1.13.0) and Millenaire (v8.0.1) installed. -Start a fresh world -Spawn in a village using /millSpawnVillage norman militaire -Go to the Central building in the village that has the different info signs. -Right Click on different signs -One of them will cause a massive memory leak of some kind and crash the game or your computer. This will often cause chunk corruption of some kind and possible player data corruption.

The logs here aren't especially helpful from what I can see but I'll include what I've got. It seems like by interacting with these signs with reskillable installed, there's a flood of information that is injected into a chunk, causing it to overload and corrupt it. It took a while to figure this out because of how unlikely it seems but there you go. This is what happens as soon as you click the sign.

UPDATE: This issue does not occur on older versions of Millenaire (pre 8.0.0), leading me to believe it has something to do with the way they've reworked their information signs, as that was one of the notes in their update.

UPDATE 2: Reskillable and Millenaire cooperate fine up to Reskillable v1.8.2. Any later version fails to work. Looking at the changelog for that version I'd guess it has to do with this change: "Fixed support for blocks with "NBT" not checking the data while placed. Example: Mekanism factories with locks on them to have requirements for using installers." I'm fairly certain these Millenaire signs contain special NBT data that Reskillable simply doesn't enjoy.

lex1975 commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for your testing! I wanted to include these both mods in my build. Now you have to choose one or wait for corrections. I checked, the bug was confirmed. The way you described.

lex1975 commented 3 years ago


lex1975 commented 3 years ago

Versions Reskillable-1.12.2-1.8.2 (compatible with CompatSkills-1.12.2-1.10.0) and Millenaire-1.12.2-8.1.0 do not cause memory leaks.

Perhaps it is worth adding the ability to enable (disable) NBT support through the config?