Coders-After-Dark / Reskillable

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Please change Hungry Farmer trigger threshold #212

Open szikra opened 2 years ago

szikra commented 2 years ago

Hungry Farmer seems to be Gluttonous Farmer since it doesn't make the character eat when they need to (when they are actually hungry and not just not-full), but as soon as they can eat.

It would be nice if the skill had a config option for at what hunger level would it auto feed the player character, or just make it 50% of hunger bar (foodLevel < 10 ). (Some people might prefer foodLevel < 17 to trigger auto feeding if natural regeneration is enabled or even anything less than 20, but if there is no regeneration it just wastes food, so a config option would be preferable - at least config for mod packs, user config might be an overkill.) That would make this skill (more) useful. It would allow players to eat cake for example. Or just choose what they want to eat if the player cares.

It would also be nice if there was a food priority or inventory slot priority so Hungry Farmer doesn't consume random garbage or enchanted golden apples "randomly" (I know it's not random, but if the player doesn't see saturation indicator but only hunger bar that is always full it might as well be random). Now, this is may not be necessary, if the food consumption threshold is lowered then it at least gives players a chance to act before a random food item they might have just picked up is consumed, it would give them a choice.

The reactions to this skill I have seen so far were mostly negative, people asking how to deactivate it, so clearly there is some problem with it, or at least room for improvement. This was my idea to improve it, if anyone else has a better idea I'm all for it.