Coders-After-Dark / Reskillable

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does not display icon/level of skill requirements of modded items #217

Open kalirenegade opened 2 years ago

kalirenegade commented 2 years ago

we installed a few new mods and when we lock the skill level of those items and use them the items are locked however when you try to use term it just says the items are locked and doesn't tell you what level of what skill you need to use them. some of the config we used is ancientbeasts:ice_dart:=reskillable:attack|9 ancientbeasts:tough_glove:=reskillable:attack|10 ancientbeasts:ice_wand:=reskillable:attack|12 ancientbeasts:ice_wand_red:=reskillable:attack|12 artifacts:tiny_shirt:=reskillable:magic|10 cyclicmagic:crystal_pickaxe:=reskillable:mining|28 cyclicmagic:crystal_axe:=reskillable:gathering|28 cyclicmagic:crystal_spade:=reskillable:gathering|28 cyclicmagic:crystal_hoe:=reskillable:farming|28 cyclicmagic:crystal_sword:=reskillable:attack|28 this is what it looks like using a new item locked to attack|9 image