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Carousel or Image Slider? #20

Open ABaker86 opened 9 years ago

ABaker86 commented 9 years ago

On the front Page of the Website I only placed three images in the Contributors section (the only three that have contributed when I created the design).

I though that it might be nice to implement an image Carousel or Slider instead of the static images. Let everyone know that you think and if this is something that you may want to tackle.

Mektrode commented 9 years ago

Slider where exactly?

ABaker86 commented 9 years ago

When you look at the index page that are three images across the middle of the page. Currently each images shows the current contributors to the project prior to my joining. I figured that it would be nice to have an automated image slide or carousel that could be updated to leaf though all provided/aquired contributor images. Currently the images are referenced GitHub profile images.

Mektrode commented 9 years ago

Or we could have rows of flash cards with our images and when you hover over it, it shows the user more information about that contributor. E.g:- Look at the multiplatform section under the phones in this website i made:-

ABaker86 commented 9 years ago

that is some really cool functionality, but this still currently leaves us with only three images on the home page of the site. This could be a really cool idea for the contributors page though.

Mektrode commented 9 years ago

Well, if at any time you want to include that feature or similar ones onto the website this should help:-

ABaker86 commented 9 years ago

I will look into it. I just figured that if we stored the location of the images in a database i could reference them through jQuery, but I suppose I could make a static interpretation that could be re factored later.