Coders-Living-Instant-Work-Journal / coders-living-instant-journal-client

A CLI based work journal, allowing coders to take quick notes from the terminal, and automatically sending scheduled e-mails containing notes from the configured time period.
MIT License
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Comments #59

Closed emilyaviva closed 4 years ago

emilyaviva commented 4 years ago




eugenemonnier commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. A quick note on how the app quits. In most cases, we are expecting that the user will want to do one thing (create/delete/read/update an entry) and then get back to whatever they were doing quickly. I can imagine that maybe in the case of creating a new journal or selecting a different journal, the user might want to be brought back to the main screen so they can CRUD entries for that journal. That could be added in a new update.

The client app shouldn't clear your screen. All previous work done on the command line should be above where you called CLIJ if you scroll.