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Open source simulator for autonomous robotics built on Unreal Engine with support for Unity
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Running PX4-Autopilot crashes the Unreal Engine 5.1.1 without any crash report (from UE) #53

Open srijanpal07 opened 1 year ago

srijanpal07 commented 1 year ago

Bug report

What's the issue you encountered?

I am trying to make PX4 communication for AirSim, but every time I ran the "make px4_sitl_default none_irisG" command in wsl2, its shows the simulator is able to make the connection but after within 30-50 secs the UE project crashes without giving any crash reports and I get 'ERROR [simulator] poll timeout 0, 0' in the terminal in which I am running PX4. I have tried building AirSim and running PX4 both inside the Linux and Windows file systems but the same issue persists.



The default settings.json file { "SettingsVersion": 1.2, "SimMode": "Multirotor", "ClockType": "SteppableClock", "Vehicles": { "PX4": { "VehicleType": "PX4Multirotor", "UseSerial": false, "LockStep": true, "UseTcp": true, "TcpPort": 4560, "ControlIp": "remote", "ControlPortLocal": 14540, "ControlPortRemote": 14580, "LocalHostIp": "", "Sensors":{ "Barometer":{ "SensorType": 1, "Enabled": true, "PressureFactorSigma": 0.0001825 } }, "Parameters": { "NAV_RCL_ACT": 0, "NAV_DLL_ACT": 0, "COM_OBL_ACT": 1, "LPE_LAT": 47.641468, "LPE_LON": -122.140165 } } } }

How can the issue be reproduced?

  1. Press Play in the UE environment with the default settings
  2. In wsl2, in the PX4-Autopilot directory run: 'make px4_sitl_default none_irisG'

Include full error message in text form

... INFO [ecl/EKF] reset position to GPS INFO [ecl/EKF] reset velocity to GPS INFO [ecl/EKF] starting GPS fusion INFO [tone_alarm] home set INFO [tone_alarm] notify negative ERROR [simulator] poll timeout 0, 0 ERROR [simulator] poll timeout 0, 0 ERROR [simulator] poll timeout 0, 0

What's better than filing an issue? Filing a pull request :).