CodinGlitch / SimpleRadio

This mod is a plugin of Simple Voice Chat which adds radio communication over frequencies you can use to communicate with your friends while far away!
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 7 forks source link

[Request] Connection Wires #41

Open archonxgames opened 1 month ago

archonxgames commented 1 month ago

With the introduction of speakers and microphones, a closed loop communications system via wires / communication lines would be a great addition to the mod which can expand both its utility and fix some of the logistics of trying to figure out how speakers and microphones will be connected to a radio system.

Benefits: Assuming that a future update would remove the ability for speakers and microphones to transmit and receive radio signals, wires could be a great answer to the question of how we will connect those devices to the blocks that will have pure radio transmitting and receiving capabilities.

Wires could also be used together with microphones and speakers to create a base intercom or primitive telephone system completely without any form of radio signal transmission. A fun side-effect of this is that players can also "wiretap" communication lines and listen in on communications happening between two parties by simply connecting a sneaky wire to an existing line.

All in all, it would be a great addition to the mod and could expand the mod's utility, fun factor, and overall cohesiveness in so many ways to justify the development burden it will definitely impose.

CodinGlitch commented 1 month ago

although i never listed it, i was considering taking this approach for the blocks. one thing i will have to add though is that the wires likely won't be blocks like you would see in other tech mods, i think they're really bulky and wouldn't really fit in with my vision of the mod, and yes, the ability to receive and transmit signals will be removed from speakers and microphones in the future, seeing as they aren't really intended to do that in the first place and were implemented just so that they could work with the rest of the mod

a feature like this will likely come alongside the release of the receiver and transmitter blocks, though, which might take a little while before i can get to it