Coding-Enthusiast / FinderOuter

Easy to use bitcoin recovery tool to fix damaged private key, mini-private key, address, BIP38 encrypted key, mnemonic (seed phrase), BIP-32 derivation path, Armory backups, recover passwords and more
MIT License
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How to Determine ‘Complete path of given key’? #13

Open topmati opened 3 years ago

topmati commented 3 years ago

I'm very confused about how this m/0/ form is confirmed, my mnermonic is base in bip-39, try to find my missing words in Decred( a cryptocurrency of Bitcoin class), which has 33 words.Thank you.

Coding-Enthusiast commented 3 years ago

FinderOuter is still a bitcoin-only recovery tool that doesn't support altcoins yet.

From what I gather from this altcoin's doc, the process is completely different from bitcoin and BIP-39. It uses a fixed 32 byte entropy and encodes each byte to a word using PGP word list. The addresses are also using Blake256 hash algorithm.
To find its missing words it requires an entirely different option with different code.

topmati commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much.