Coding-Enthusiast / FinderOuter

Easy to use bitcoin recovery tool to fix damaged private key, mini-private key, address, BIP38 encrypted key, mnemonic (seed phrase), BIP-32 derivation path, Armory backups, recover passwords and more
MIT License
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menemonic phase #16

Closed gilblockchain closed 3 years ago

gilblockchain commented 3 years ago

I used the option to recover the menemonic phase for 2 missing words from the atomic wallet, I ran the program and it gave an error. do you know why?

i used m/44'/0'/0'/0/0

Coding-Enthusiast commented 3 years ago

What was the error?

gilblockchain commented 3 years ago

of the failure and the red x appears, he couldn't find out. Do not place the correct path: m / 44 '/ 0' / 0 '/ 0/0. So I think it went wrong, how do I know that I am putting the correct path?

gilblockchain commented 3 years ago

image this image is from an example in the program, it worked, but to find 2 words, it takes so long?

Coding-Enthusiast commented 3 years ago

how do I know that I am putting the correct path?

You have to figure it out based on the wallet that you were using. Sometimes their documentation mentions the derivation paths. Otherwise go to a forum like and ask people there.

it takes so long?

Generally for smaller number of words in mnemonic (12 here) and for each extra index in the path the process becomes slower because the number of operations it has to perform increases. But also there is a known issue (#9) that slows down the process more when the path or the child key itself is not hardened.

gilblockchain commented 3 years ago

hello, I tried to recover 2 characters from the menemonic phase of the atomic portfolio, as tests. I took p path on their website and it is correct. However, the program ran for 5 hours and gave an error.


Coding-Enthusiast commented 3 years ago

Your path has an extra 0 in it. Change it to m/44'/0'/0'/0/ and it should work.
Here is an example from their website: round blade service action buzz unlock ladder knee promote proud dutch *, address = 163e6h58v579YRcfttxoqWN9aNkMLuSyrc, type = AddrComp, path = m/44'/0'/0'/0/ index = 0 Hardened key = false

Maybe I should remove the key/address index textbox and consider the path to be the full path instead of being the path to the extended child key?

gilblockchain commented 3 years ago

Ok, in site the atomic wallet :


Coding-Enthusiast commented 3 years ago

The key index is now a part of the path instead of being in a separate textbox b3e285d87bc164aaa59ab4eba05ab5c8481140ef it should remove the confusion about derivation paths.
I'm closing this issue but feel free to discuss it.