Open tungla20 opened 1 year ago
I'm following your code but when I do anchor build, the compiler return this error caused by mint, ownerTokenAccount and buyerTokenAccount. Here is my code:
it("Is initialized!", async () => { //create connection to devnet const connection = new Connection( clusterApiUrl('devnet'), 'confirmed' ); let minter = await splToken.createMint(connection, wallet.payer, wallet.publicKey, null, 1) const tokenAccount = await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount( connection, wallet.payer, minter, wallet.publicKey ) await mintTo( connection, wallet.payer, minter, tokenAccount.address, wallet.publicKey, 1 ) const saleAmount = 1; const buyer: anchor.web3.Keypair = await createKeypairFromFile(__dirname + "/keypairs/buyer1.json"); console.log(`Buyer public key: ${buyer.publicKey}`); const buyerTokenAddress = await anchor.utils.token.associatedAddress({ mint: minter, owner: buyer.publicKey, }); console.log(`Request to sell NFT: ${minter} for ${saleAmount} lamports.`); console.log(`Owner's Token Address: ${tokenAccount}`); console.log(`Buyer's Token Address: ${buyerTokenAddress}`); await program.methods.buyNft( new anchor.BN(saleAmount) ) .accounts({ mint: minter, ownerTokenAccount: tokenAccount.address, ownerAuthority: wallet.publicKey, buyerTokenAccount: buyerTokenAddress, buyerAuthority: buyer.publicKey, }) .signers([buyer]) .rpc();
and this is the code in my contract:
pub fn buy_nft( ctx: Context<BuyNft>, // amount: Option<u64>, lamports: Option<u64>, ) -> Result<()> { system_program::transfer( CpiContext::new( ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(), system_program::Transfer { from: ctx.accounts.buyer_authority.to_account_info(), to: ctx.accounts.owner_authority.to_account_info(), }, ), lamports.unwrap(), )?; associated_token::create(CpiContext::new( ctx.accounts.owner_token_account.to_account_info(), associated_token::Create { payer: ctx.accounts.buyer_authority.to_account_info(), associated_token: ctx.accounts.buyer_token_account.to_account_info(), authority: ctx.accounts.buyer_authority.to_account_info(), mint:, system_program: ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(), token_program: ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(), }, ))?; token::transfer( CpiContext::new( ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(), token::Transfer { from: ctx.accounts.owner_token_account.to_account_info(), to: ctx.accounts.buyer_token_account.to_account_info(), authority: ctx.accounts.owner_authority.to_account_info(), }, ), 1, )?; Ok(()) }
In my version, the rent param in associated_token::Create is not existed so I remove it. So can you help me fixing this bug? Thanks
I'm following your code but when I do anchor build, the compiler return this error caused by mint, ownerTokenAccount and buyerTokenAccount. Here is my code:
and this is the code in my contract:
In my version, the rent param in associated_token::Create is not existed so I remove it. So can you help me fixing this bug? Thanks