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✍️ Shadows of Nightlight #341

Closed StoryBot-App closed 3 weeks ago

StoryBot-App commented 3 weeks ago


Shadows of Nightlight




Tell me a story about Duke named mehro and knight named Bart. Mehro is a Persian Boy who was taken in by the Wildrose family, Mr.wildrose the Duke of the Nightlight land thought mehro was a talented, smart, beautiful boy who could make a perfect Duke so he took the 9 years old boy in. However, 3 years after that, Mr.wildrose passes away and mehro becomes the new Duke, but since he was so young, the control falls into Mr.wildrose's advicer, Mahyar, who didn't like mehro at all and found him a liability. Since then, Mahyar starts controlling and ignoring mehro. Mehro's childhood becomes a nightmare. He tries so hard to take back his power from Mahyar and help his people but unfortunately the king dies and his two sons start fighting over the throne. Mahyar forces mehro to take the side of the younger prince. But soon, the older prince started overpowering. Finally one night, he sends his loyal knight, Bart, to mehro's lands, Nightlight, and tells him to kill the Duke, mehro. Bart gets there and was about to win and get the Duke when mehro comes to Bart himself without Mahyar knowing(bart hurts mehro badly.). He asks for negotiation and surrender himself because he thought that's what's bet for his people. Bart on the other hand mocks mehro at first and acts harsh. The thing is Bart hates loyalty, because he himself comes from a poor family and he had to pave his way to the top and usually loyalties mocked him for being from a poor family. He thought mehro was the same especially with mehro being famous for being a spoiled brat(Mahyar made him famous for this.) But mehro is smart, even tho he was injured, he manages to offer Bart something which could help him in his win for the older prince and so Bart doesn't kill him. (I want bartu to be extremely harsh, cruel, and toxic towards royalties especially mehro (Bart is kind of perverted too.) Other than that he is a kind, caring person. And I want mehro to be extremely smart and wise and also pretty, kind and soft.) Make it extremely long, detailed, heart breaking and dramatic and full of heart wrenching and sad dialogs. (Bart is 21 years old at the time, his height is 193 and he weights around 86 kg of pure muscle. He has long black hair, white skin and dark brown eyes. He is handsome. Mehro on the other hand is 18 years old at the moment, his height is 178, he weights almost 57 kg, he has green eyes, pale white skin, short messy olive oil colored hair and a scar on the left side of his face but even the scar couldn't make him less beautiful, he was simply pretty like a prince.) (Mahyar is 50 years old at the time, his height is 184, he has muscular body, he is smart, cruel and power thirsty.)(Describe the night of surrender, the negotiation and mehro's injuries from bartu's and his soldiers attaks in details and long. After Bart accepts mehro's offer, mehro smiles, but his body gives out and he collapses.)



The night was cloaked in an impenetrable gloom, the sky devoid of stars save for a solitary crescent moon that cast its frail, silvery light over the beleaguered Nightlight lands. The once thriving domain now lay in ruins, its people suffering under the oppressive yoke of a tenebrous conflict that seemed to stretch on indefinitely.

Amid this suffering, the young Duke Mehro sat alone in his chambers, a soft, radiant light from the lone candle flickering at his bedside casting long, wavering shadows across the room. His emerald eyes reflected both the impending doom and the intelligence that had always set him apart. Even now, at just eighteen years old, he understood the gravity of the situation as Mahyar's stranglehold on his path to sovereignty tightened with each passing day.

Mahyar, the devious adviser who had seized control after the death of the benevolent Mr. Wildrose, had spent years crafting Mehro’s public image—one of a spoiled, ineffectual boy unworthy of the title of Duke. The truth, however, was far from this crafted persona. Mehro was astute, wise beyond his years, and possessed an unyielding kindness that endeared him to those who truly knew him. Yet, tonight, none of that mattered. Tonight, he faced a cataclysmic choice.

The older prince had grown impatient. His forces, led by the formidable and ruthless knight Bart, were closing in. Bart was a man born of hardship, his towering frame and piercing dark brown eyes conveyed not just his physical prowess but the weight of his harsh journey. He commanded respect and fear in equal measure, shaped by years of struggle and an unrelenting disdain for the nobility that had so often sneered at his origins.

Bart’s approach was swift and merciless. Nightlight's forces, already weakened by Mahyar’s mismanagement, fell quickly before the knight's brutal onslaught. The clash of steel and the cries of the wounded filled the air, a dirge that seemed to echo the end of all hope for Mehro’s people.

As the final resistance crumbled, Mehro rose from his seat, every movement causing him pain from the numerous injuries inflicted during the relentless assault. His left side throbbed where a deep gash marred his otherwise flawless face—a permanent reminder of the battles he was forced to endure. Clutching his side, he stumbled through the dimly lit corridors, his heart heavy with a mix of fear and resolve.

He reached the grand hall where Bart awaited, his sword still dripping with the blood of those who had dared to defy him. The sight was one of desolation—broken statues, torn tapestries, everything a testament to the unending chaos. Bart’s gaze met Mehro’s, his expression a mixture of anticipation and disdain. “So, the pampered Duke finally graces us with his presence,” Bart’s voice dripped with sarcasm and barely contained rage.

“I come to negotiate,” Mehro's voice, though weak, held a note of unyielding determination. He took a step forward, feeling the searing pain in his wounds but refusing to let it show. “For the sake of my people, I surrender myself to you.”

Bart’s laughter echoed through the ruined hall, a cruel sound that made Mehro’s heart clench. “Negotiate? There is nothing left to negotiate. You are nothing but a spoiled child who has no idea of the real world’s harshness. Your existence is an insult to those who had to fight for every scrap of power and recognition.”

Mehro’s green eyes flashed with a momentary spark of defiance. “You know nothing of my life, of the burdens I carry. But I am not here to argue. I know what you think of me, what you believe. But I also know the older prince’s ambitions and what he seeks. I can offer you something that will ensure his victory.”

Bart’s interest piqued, though he did not let it show. “And what could you possibly offer that would be of any use?”

“Information,” Mehro replied simply, his voice betraying his exhaustion. “Detailed knowledge of Mahyar’s plans and the younger prince’s strategies. Mahyar has kept me close, thinking I am a mere puppet, but I have observed and learned. With this, the older prince can outmaneuver them at every turn. I can be more valuable alive than dead.”

Bart studied Mehro intently, weighing the truth of his words against the hatred he felt for the nobility. He saw the pain in Mehro’s eyes, the genuine desperation and sincerity. Slowly, he lowered his sword, his expression softening just slightly. “You speak as if you care for your people, as if you’re different from the rest of your kind. But know this, Duke Mehro—I do not trust you, and I will not hesitate to kill you if you deceive me.”

Mehro nodded, relief washing over him even as the pain from his injuries intensified. He managed a small, exhausted smile, his vision blurring. “Thank you... for giving me this chance. For my people...” His voice trailed off as his body gave out, collapsing to the cold, unforgiving floor.

Bart caught him before he hit the ground, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. This boy, who he had thought to be nothing more than a weak, pampered noble, had shown a strength and wisdom that belied his years. As he carried Mehro’s unconscious form to safety, Bart couldn’t help but feel a burgeoning respect for the young Duke—a respect that he knew would complicate everything that lay ahead.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Post released! Check it out in the blog!