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Website for the Coding In The Open EDI event.
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Saber Razmjooei #4

Closed mikerspencer closed 3 years ago

mikerspencer commented 3 years ago

Title: Making a business and a sense of place from open source (holding)

Abstract: Data is everywhere and without location, it is often difficult to make sense of it. With the free and open source you can collect spatial data. The app is powered by QGIS software and allows you a seamless link between mobile and desktop. Synchronisation of the data between the devices and users is done using a git-like technology.

Bio: Saber Razmjooei, Managing Director, Lutra Consulting Saber has been specialising in Geographic Information System (GIS) solutions including web mapping, geodatabases and desktop GIS for more than 10 years.

Saber co-founded Lutra Consulting to support organisations looking to adopt open source GIS. Lutra offers services around open source GIS, which includes planning and implementing migrations, training and ongoing commercial support. Lutra is a core contributor to the QGIS application: a popular open source software used widely in public and private sectors.
