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[Feature Requuest] Add team badges like those on the stream overlays #17

Open ivoencarnacao opened 4 years ago

ivoencarnacao commented 4 years ago

Sugestion: Add a option to choose a team badge, eg: Vanilla, Vue, React, Angular.. like the ones in the stream overlay tools, eg: in front of the username.

infi commented 4 years ago

I think such a feature would be indeed very nice, but in a profile card (custom status like Discord/Slack/Teams?) rather than inside chat, because it would distract from the content of the message. It would also possibly imply the user is endorsed by the brand when the user actually isn't, which would be against brand guidelines, since we're dealing with actual trademarked brand logos here.

I would integrate Iconify and simply block the brand and social category (see below), allowing the users to customize their profile with an icon or emoji while not implying endorsement.

Brands / Social category Icons starting with logos:, cib:, simple-icons:, fa-brands:, brandico, entypo-social:, cryptocurrency: (that one is probably fine)
w3cj commented 4 years ago

I'm open to this. Feel free to open a PR!