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Reinforcement Learning Challenges: frozen lake and tic tac toe #1375

Open GypsyDangerous opened 4 years ago

GypsyDangerous commented 4 years ago

This is mostly here as a reminder to get to these topics because I know you want to cover them eventually. I think it a good starting point is recreating the game from openAI gym, frozen lake and building an agent that could play it completely from scratch, maybe even animate the playing. Also, I think it would be cool to build a deep q agent with tf.js that could play tic tac toe, I know tic tac toe can be solved with min-max but I think it is a good starting point for deep q learning because it has a relatively small state space of 3^9.

GypsyDangerous commented 4 years ago

revisiting pong would also be a good starting point for deep q learning because it is a simple game.

GypsyDangerous commented 4 years ago

this is a tutorial that uses openAI gym but it goes over some of the concepts that are good to know for implementing RN with some like tf.js

GypsyDangerous commented 4 years ago

GypsyDangerous commented 4 years ago