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Reg-Ex Applied to various Website Technologies to Extract Menu/Product lists. #1445

Open Bafri opened 4 years ago

Bafri commented 4 years ago

Hi, HELP! I watched your video I don't code, but strangely (oddly) enough, really enjoyed it. lol Good stuff! (I have to confess that I went on to view several more of your videos. Love your infectious teaching methods.)

In any case, I am convinced that Reg-Ex can solve our problem. Here's the job posting I placed on UpWork:

_Phase I (several to follow) is a prototype ecommerce Reg-Ex extraction tool that can automatically extract data from various websites (menus/product: image, product name, product description, product price) and then export to a file (most likely Excel, but not choosy).

For now, we need a Prototype URL Link that we can test to confirm proof of concept: Reg-Ex Extract ecommerce data (menus/product: image, product name, product description, product price) from various websites and then export to a file. Note: After proof of concept we will need a Middle Ware tool (integrates with our platform) that extracts and then exports into various menu formats (3 types), more on that later. IMPORTANT: Our platform will provide numerous (thousands) of merchants: restaurants, retail, etc. to input their website url and then extract and export their menu into their dashboard. Each time this is done (per transaction) the merchant will pay a fee that will go automatically (via Stripe) to our developer/programmer/freelancer of choice – YOU. This is a really great – and long term revenue generating opportunity. First, let’s see how the prototype goes…_

In short, our main goal is to create a Phase I Reg-Ex demo prototype tool (very narrow in scope) that uses Reg-Ex to search websites for: menu or product list>Main Category> Sub Categories (if any)> item>description>price>image (use a different technology, if necessary), and then exports to a file (probably Excel).

UPWORK POSTING: Developer needed for Phase I: REG-EX Solution - E commerce

So, far I've received, less than stellar feedback from developers. Here's one: _"I can't envision a particular regular expression that's going to outperform parsing the element tree - only more cluttered code. If you're convinced that regex is what you need from this, I'd hold out for another developer that shares your vision, if I were you.

Also, and this is a little ahead of phase 1... but what about sites that render everything in Javascript? You're going to have to run a headless browser on whatever cloud machine the site is running on. That's both slow, and resource intensive. To serve 1000s of clients like you're expecting, you're going to need a task queueing system in place."_

That guy stuck a knife into my Reg-Ex heart! And, let's not even talk about those who flood my inbox with useless proposals.

If you can do this (preferable), or recommend someone who can, we would be more than happy to pay a fair fee. In any case, your feedback and or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

TR Reed Founder/CEO ZapNabit (

Please, cc your reply to:

Phase I Prototype E commerce Reg Ex Extraction.docx Phase I Prototype E commerce Reg Ex Extraction.pdf The ZapNabit Client-Side Interface.docx The ZapNabit Client-Side Interface.pdf

duskvirkus commented 4 years ago

Glad you've been enjoying the Coding Train videos! Most any thing is possible with coding regex might just be one part of the solution. However it sounds like your project is beyond the scope of a Coding Train video. If you finish the regex series and think there's something missing from it or have suggestions for other topics then those would be great to hear about! If you want to post your opportunity to the Coding Train discord then I'm sure some people would be interested.