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ML5js creating model (with or without Paperspace) // Site CodingTrain updates link not working #1594

Open quintendewilde opened 3 years ago

quintendewilde commented 3 years ago

Not issue but as I can't find a request page for tutorial videos from sensei choochoo. So I'm asking here.

I was playing with the ML5js style transfer and would love to create my own model. I have a mac so docker GPU is not an option. The examples are pointing to paperspace for a solution. But all the examples are outdated. And I can't get it to run or install better with the latest API from paperspace. I would really like this to work so I thought because CT talked about ML5js in the past they can recreate it with current updated processes?

Or if possible point my in to a direction where I can create a style transfer model for the ML5js style transfer project. I would run the code on my raspberry pi so I guess ML5js is the best light way solution!

Also I tried to subscribe to the coding train video updates by mail. But got and that is odd page (404 I guess).

Kindest regards,

De Wilde Quinten

duskvirkus commented 3 years ago

I moved this to the Rainbow-Topics repository because that's where Dan looks when thinking about videos to make.