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Creating a Javascript to do math on huge numbers. #1801

Open Denmarks opened 1 year ago

Denmarks commented 1 year ago

The largest number that JavaScript can handle is 9007199254740991. Years ago I had a personal website and created a script to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on practically unlimited size positive integers. I do one column at a time like someone doing it on paper. I still have the script and wonder if it would be a good challenge. Details on request.

Vanshika-Dargan commented 9 months ago

Aren't their existing libraries available like bigint

JohnyDL commented 9 months ago

There are libraries but there are for a lot of things Coding Train covers, it's not about doing it better but rather about showing how such things work so people understand them.

There's a weird but kinda awesome algorithm to double the precision of floating point numbers that could be coded up in JS

it's kind of better than going column by column and I'm sure it could be extended to arbitrary precision (possibly by recursion)

Doing it as part of a series like 'build your own calculator' would be kind of awesome