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Tapestry #1810

Open AnadyaNair opened 8 months ago

AnadyaNair commented 8 months ago


A pattern tapestry is a work of art (usually textile) characterized by its intricate and visually captivating repetitive designs, motifs, or geometric patterns. Often with a narrative or representational elements, pattern tapestries celebrate the pure aesthetics of form and symmetry, with colors and shapes.

Traditionally, tapestries have been created for centuries and have been used for various purposes, including interior decoration, storytelling, and as a means of commemorating events or individuals. Today, tapestries continue to be appreciated for their artistic and decorative value, and they are often used to add warmth and character, they come in a wide variety of styles and designs to suit different tastes and decor preferences.

Further details for the same, have been provided at its dedicated Wikipedia page.


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SilvestriStefano commented 8 months ago

Some related Coding Challenges are

In particular, it is possible to implement the Penrose Tiling (the second picture you posted) with the WFC. I did it with the Wang Tiles which form an Aperiodic Tiling.

AnadyaNair commented 8 months ago

Noted. Impressive work!