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regular 2D hyperbolic polygons using the poincaré disk model #1814

Open Hjagu09 opened 6 months ago

Hjagu09 commented 6 months ago

Hyperbolic geometry is an type of non-Euclidian geometry which I would love to see an coding train video on. Hyperbolic geometry is defined as this on the Wikipedia page:

hyperbolic geometry (also called Lobachevskian geometry or Bolyai–Lobachevskian geometry) is a non-Euclidean geometry. The parallel postulate of Euclidean geometry is replaced with:

For any given line R and point P not on R, in the plane containing both line R and point P there are at least two distinct lines through P that do not intersect R.

Basically, for any line there can be a lot of different parallels to one line, like this (note that this are all straight lines) hyperbolic parallel lines

The most common way of projecting hyperbolic space is using the poincaré disk model. All images I shown here uses this model. It projects the entire hyperbolic space on to an disk and it's most notable popertys are:

The distance from the center of the disk to the edge is infinite

straight lines consist of arcs of Euclidean circles contained within the disk that are orthogonal to the boundary of the disk, plus all diameters of the disk.


Given any p and q were (p - 2) • (q - 2) > 4 render regular hyperbolic polygons with p vertices and q polygons adjacent to each vertex using the poincaré disk model.

regular hyperbolic polygons for *p=3 q=12* The above image is an solution for p=3 q=12 For an complete solution, check out this page


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