CodingTrain / Suggestion-Box

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multi color brayer matrix for a Coding challange? #1829

Open Yu-Hayate opened 3 weeks ago

Yu-Hayate commented 3 weeks ago

I had this idea because I haven’t found any good Brayer matrix functions that let you work with a custom color array instead of just sticking to the typical R, G, B values that are either 0 or 255. Usually, the threshold is applied like this:

const threshold = ditherMatrix[x % 4][y % 4] / 15;
let newR = r > threshold * 255 ? 255 : 0;
let newG = g > threshold * 255 ? 255 : 0;
let newB = b > threshold * 255 ? 255 : 0;

This limits the colors to either full on or off, but I wanted a way to use more nuanced colors and still get that cool dithered effect, like using a set color array instead.

Yu-Hayate commented 1 week ago

it seems my coding challenge was 'uninteresting' based on no reply after two weeks, :P