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[Challenge] Sandpile Fractals on p5.js #295

Open harsh2204 opened 7 years ago

harsh2204 commented 7 years ago

Also known as Abelian sandpile models, these fractals are really cool looking and have a fairly simple computation algorithm. Here's a link to the Wikipedia page. Here's a video by numberphile explaining this concept.

Woeshbot commented 7 years ago

I was just about to comment this! did you watch the Numberphile video?

harsh2204 commented 7 years ago

@Woeshbot Yup. Sharing the beauty of mathematics to the coding world. ;)

edit: added link to numberphile video

YuvalGat commented 7 years ago

@Woeshbot @harsh2204 Haha, I was about to submit that too! 😂

YuvalGat commented 7 years ago

@harsh2204 Please add a Challenge tag so Dan can find it easily :) 👍

YuvalGat commented 7 years ago

So I actually made this, took some time but got it working. Needs optimizing, though. ( )

goedel-gang commented 7 years ago

quick and dirty